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Projects & Clients


Electric Power Grid

Natural Language Processing

Computational Biology and Bioinformatics







Advancement of Human &Machine Cognition

CCLS research scientists apply their expertise to clients’ challenges. We also work on projects that we hope will advance the fields of machine learning and cognition to the next level. Some examples:

Concept Learning for Vision and Planning
A National Science Foundation S___ G___ E___ R___  (SGER) grant to study the Computational Basis for Cognition.
Senior Team Members: David Waltz, Yoav Freund, Eric Baum

Rigorous Learning
A National Science Foundation Grant (CCR-0325463) on ___________________________.
Senior Team Members: Valdimir Vapnik, David Waltz, David Hessing, Eugine Ie, Alex Gammerman

Weighing Evidence Without Using A Gold Standard.
Senior Team Members: Phil Long, Rocco Servedio

In addition, CCLS monitors and strengthens the quality of its machine learning and data mining projects. For example, in 2006, Gail E. Kaiser, a professor in Columbia’s Computer Science Department who is particularly interested in self-managing (autonomic) computing systems and publish/subscribe event systems, invested her sabbatical time in a project to test machine learning algorithms used in CCLS projects.


Machine Learning

machine learning