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Projects & Clients


Electric Power Grid

Natural Language Processing

Machine Learning Basic Research






With relevance to medical centers, pharmaceutical firms and government agencies, the Center’s projects in computational biology include genome research, DNA and protein research, and bio-medical engineering. Often joint projects with Columbia’s Computational Biology Group that develops and applies computational techniques for modeling and understanding biological processes at the molecular level, using statistical and machine learning techniques, including hidden Markov models and support vector machines. Current and recent projects include:

GeneClass: Learning Predictive Models for Gene Regulatory Response From High Throughout Genomic Data
Senior Team Members: Christina Leslie, Yoav Freund, Chris Wiggins

Machine Learning Approach to Protein Sequence Comparison: Discriminative, semi-supervised, scalable algorithms. National Science Foundation Grant (EIA-0312706).
Senior Team Members: Christina Leslie, William Stafford Noble, Jason Weston

Mass Spectral Protein Sequencing Using Machine Learning
Senior Team Members: Phil Long, Cliff Stein, Newman Sze, Wing-Kin Sung

Recognizing Protein Folds With Discriminative Learning
Senior Team Members: Christina Leslie, William Stafford Noble, Jason Weston


biology and bioinformatics