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CCLS staff and visitors have access to the vast array of resources of New York City, depending on interests:

Professional Networking: Contact with colleagues in machine learning systems and other professional fields of interest at Columbia University… or other City University, Fordham, Pace, Rockefeller University, New York University and the many private corporate research labs in and around the Metropolitan area. Most major Fortune 1,000 corporations and creative high tech start-ups have offices in New York City… in fact, many have their headquarters in Manhattan or within an hour of the city.

Sports and the Outdoors: Within 25 miles of the Empire State Building, there are not one, but two major competitive teams – Yankees or Mets? Knicks or Nets? Giants or Jets? Rangers or Islanders? Your choice! A few minutes from Times Square, there are world class tennis tournaments. Or go horseback riding in Central Park. See a circus. Or take a subway, bus or commuter train to golf courses, sailing and yacht clubs, biking trails, fishing, mountain climbing, as well as parks, lakes, quiet bays and the dunes and waves of Atlantic Ocean beaches. Or just meet friends at outdoor summer cafes along Broadway, near the Hudson River at 195th and 79th Street, or near the rowboat or toy boat lakes in Central Park

The Arts, Museums and Culture: Check out the hundreds of art galleries from Madison Avenue, through Chelsea and Soho, to Queens and Brooklyn…. Listen to the NY Philharmonic and the Metropolitan or City Opera, visit jazz clubs or avant garde music on a barge under the Brooklyn Bridge… See the original cast if a Broadway play or an off-off-off Broadway performance event. Or just take guided tours – the United Nations… backstage at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts… the back rooms of Madison Square Garden… the studios of major television networks – or join a TV Studio audience…. mansions along the Hudson on the way to West Point… vineyards and waterparks on Long Island… or explore the NYC Public Library system.

For information about cultural events, performing arts, galleries, museums, and walking tours, click on “Visitors” at the top of the NYC government’s Home page at

NYC Resources